Perkongsian ilmu dan pengalaman hidup yang begitu mengesankan!!!

Let's start our Ramadhan Karim guilt free..!!!

Assalamualaiku..Ramadhan Karim..
Tengahari semalam ke Melaka hantar anakanda Mahfudzah balik UeTM kemudian terus ke KL hajat nak ambil Motor di Bangi untuk Mahfudzah guna, terus ke Batu Muda bersama Babah , Maya dan Mujahid..Babah pula di serang maigraine..Alhamdulillah Allah Atur yang terbaik..mcm2 planned yang terjadi berbuka di Greenwood bersama Musab dan Dayah..tersentuh dengan keletah Mujahid berbuka..almaklum masih berlatih puasa..
Selepas berbuka tumpang solat di rumah Lina..selepas tu terus ke Bangi hantar pesanan mak di rumah abang Mat..kemudian terus balik ke Muar tanpa Motor Mahfudzah sebab x larat..sampai Muar jam 12.30 malam..masing2 terus tido jam 3.30 baru bangun untuk Terawih dan tahajjud..Alhamdulillah..Sebelum tidur sempat gak masak nasi dan masak sardin lemak cili api...
Alhamdulillah sahur jam 5.15 pagi..tergelak masing2 tengok Mujahid yang begitu bersemangat bersahur..
Alhamdulillah syukur pagi ni dapat email yang sangat2 menarik untuk di kongsi bersama..
baru nak mula posting Muadz call beritahu dia accident  sebelum sahur pagi tadi..Alhamdulillah x de cedera cuma sakit2 tengkok..kawannya bersimen tangan..motor yang teruk..elak kereta langgar divider..pasti ada hikmah dan pengajaran besar disebalik kemalangan ini...Ya rabb kami terima semua ini dgn iklas dan pasrahkan ketentuan dan penyelesaiannya pada MU ....
Jom baca email ini hingga tamat semoga dapat pengajaran dan ilmu yang bermanafaat..

From: Mercy Mission World <>
Date: Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 1:24 AM
Subject: Start your Ramadan guilt free! [Message from Dr Tawfique Chowdhury]


As-salâmu 'alaikum wa rahmatullâhi wa barakâtuhu

My dear friends, students, patrons, supporters, brothers and sisters in

My deepest love and respects to you and your beloved ones on the advent of
Ramadan. Like the other 1.5 billion Muslims on this earth, I am sure we
cannot wait to start fasting daily and enjoying the blessings of prayer and
the Quran in this month. Many positive feelings overtake us this month:
excitement, happiness, anticipation of blessings and reward, joy upon
meeting family and friends regularly and the delight of amazing delicacies
on the iftar table!

However for many of us, it is the negative emotions that predominate at the
start of this month: fear of yet another unsuccessful Ramadan, apprehension
and guilt. We start this month of Ramadan feeling guilty for being away from
Allah for so long; for not having read the Quran this year until now; of not
having prayed any tahajjud prayer until now; of not having fasting
throughout the year - except for now. This guilty feeling leads to a lot of
negativity in our approach to this month and perhaps to the lack of optimism
in retrying those special attempts we had made before to read the whole
Quran or to pray taraweeh and tahajjud every night or some other good deed
in Ramadan. In fact for so many of us, guilt takes us away from Allah and
makes us feel inferior and sometimes cripples us to lesser levels of
aspiration and success. "What can this poor slave of Allah achieve anyway,
when he is so engrossed in sins having done so many evil deeds?" For many -
the thought of what we have done in the past - cripples us to what we can do
in the future.

However, I would like to ask you all to approach this Ramadan guilt free!
Free of guilt of the past. Why worry about something you can't change? It is
not the past that should worry us or bother us, rather what could happen in
the future. The past is the past - we can't change the sins we have done in
the past - so to constantly focus on that for the vast majority of us - is
far more crippling for the future than anything else. The prophetic guidance
is to regret the past sins and missed opportunities, whilst fearing the
future possible sins and being weary of missing future opportunities.

It is as Ibnul-Qayyium said in AnNooniyyah: "By Allah, I don't fear my past
sins, since I have sincerely repented to Allah and Allah loves to
forgive.However, what I truly fear is that in the future this heart of mine
will cease to rule by this Quran and this revelation."

Remember that Allah is AlWadud - the loving God - He is the one who loves
you more than your own parents! Have you not heard how Sufyan atThawri said:
"I would rather that Allah judges me on the Day of Judgement rather than my
own parents, for indeed I know that Allah loves me more than my own
parents!" [Reported in Hilyatul-Awliyaa] So overpowering is Allah's mercy
that it has transcended His anger. So wide is His Mercy that the Prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: "If the disbeliever knew of the extent of
the Mercy of Allah, then none would have despaired of entering His
Paradise!" [Reported by Muslim] And plus, what past sins, when your sincere
repentance with Allah's Mercy would have wiped it away and replaced it with
equivalent good deeds: "Except those who repent, believe and do righteous
deeds - they are the ones who Allah will turn their bad deeds into good
deeds. And indeed Allah is most Forgiving most Merciful." [AlFurqan 25:70]

My friends, how do you dare to think that Allah does not love you when He
says so clearly in the Quran: "Allah has not forgotten you, nor does he hate
you!" [AdDuha 93:3] If He hated you, why did He keep you alive till another
Ramadan? If He hated you, why does he provide for you even when you disobey
Him? If He did not love you, why is He allowing you to taste the sweetness
of loving Him this month by fasting and praying? If He didn't love you, why
did He keep you upon Islam?

So come back to AlWadud - your loving Lord - the one who loves you more than
anything else. He is waiting for you and is more happy with you remembering
Him than you can imagine. If you come to Him today, He will rush to you. If
you remember Him, He will remember you. If you talk about Him, He will talk
about you to those with Him. If you say sorry O Allah, He will forgive you
and turn them into good.

So start your Ramadan guilt free and enjoy a month of renewed emaan and
focus on the good that you can do this month. Learn from the past, but focus
on the future! It is truly as the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said:
"Verily actions are judged by their endings."
With all my love and prayer for your success in this month

PS Please forward to your friends and family

Your brother,

*Dr. Tawfique Chowdhury
Director General
Mercy Mission World*<>

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Ya Rabb ajarkan kami..tuntuni kami...

Assalamualaikum..Salam Ramadhan Karim

Anakanda dan sahabat2 yang di rahmati Allah..

Jalan2 kat blog2 kegemaran terjumpa artikel yang sgt bermanafaat untuk diri ini..beberapa bulan yang lepas dah membacanya dan terus mempraktikannya dan sekarang pun sedang menghabiskan bacaan buku " Berubat dengan Solat"  karangan Fahrur Muis..sengaja copy dan paste disini mudah2an bermanafaat  ye..


Allah Ajarkan Berubat Dengan Solat

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

Apa khabar semua? Lama juga rasanya saya tak berpeluang untuk mencoretkan sesuatu di sini ... Setiap hari tugasan saya rasanya kian bertambah ... Pernah saya menghadapi cabaran untuk menyiapkan empat tugasan penting dalam tempoh lima hari. Saya rasa almost impossible boleh menyiapkan semuanya ... Saya agak tension ketika itu ... kemudian saya teringat bahawa sekiranya Allah mengkehendakiNya maka tidak ada satu pun yang mustahil ... Di atas keyakinan itu, saya terus berdoa memohon pertolongan Allah agar saya dapat menyiapkan semua tugasan itu dalam tempoh yang ditetapkan. Alhamdulillah semua tugasan telah disempurnakan mengikut tarikh sasaran ... saya sendiri sukar mempercayainya kerana tugasan-tugasan itu bukan mudah ... alhamdulillah itulah Allah yang Maha menguruskan segalanya ...
Pada malam ini saya ingin sekali menulis, tetapi saya tidak ada idea apa yang hendak ditulis kerana banyak ilham-ilham yang saya dapati sebelum ini apabila tidak saya catit berlalu begitu saja, agak sukar saya ingati. Kemudian saya bertanya pada Allah, apa yang patutnya saya tulis malam ini ... 'tek' tidak sampai tempoh sesaat, Allah ingatkan catatan yang pernah saya buat di telefon saya tentang ilham-ilham yang saya perolehi ...

Salah satunya yang ingin saya kongsikan pada malam ini adalah Allah ajarkan saya untuk berubat dengan solat... Anda rasa pelik? Jangan rasa pelik, boleh dicuba : )

Saya menghadapi masalah darah yang agak berasadik. Justeru banyak makanan yang tidak boleh saya makan terutamanya tomato, kekacang, kentang dan sebagainya. Sekiranya saya tersilap makan maka badan saya akan sakit insyaAllah. Justeru saya akan sering perlu berubat samada secara perubatan moden atau perubatan tradisional.

Beberapa bulan yang lalu, saya menghadapi masalah badan saya sakit-sakit dan lenguh-lenguh. Saya berubat, baik sekejap dan sakit kembali ... dan saya berubat lagi ...baik dan sakit lagi ... Keyakinan saya pada perubatan yang biasanya saya ambil begitu menebal hingga apabila terasa sakit saya ulangi lagi proses perubatan yang sama yang biasanya menyembuhkan saya ...Hanya saya agak pelik kenapa pada kali ini saya sakit kembali walaupun saya menjaga apa yang saya makan ... Itulah saya lupa bahawa Allah Yang Maha Menyembuhkan ...

Alhamdulillah, pada suatu hari (pada waktu itu saya sedang menghadapi sakit di bahagian tulang belikat dan juga sakit-sakit badan) sewaktu saya solat dan sedang sujud diilhamkan Allah kepada saya agar di betulkan posisi sujud saya kerana posisi sujud yang betul insyaAllah boleh menyembuhkan sakit-sakit tulang belikat, pinggang dan anggota badan yang lain. Lalu saya membetulkan posisi sujud seperti mana yang diajarkan oleh Pak Ustaz Abu Sangkan di dalam pelatihan solat khusyuk yang saya hadiri. Saya sujud agak lama dan alhamdulillah dengan kaedah sujud yang betul, kita tidak akan rasa penat bersujud dengan lama. Kemudian saya ulangi di rakaat-rakaat yang lain.

Alhamdulillah sebaik selesai solat, rasa sakit di tulang belikat hilang. Begitu juga rasa letih dan lenguh-lenguh tulang yang saya rasakan. Alhamdulillah, lepas itu saya tidak meneruskan sesi perubatan yang biasa saya lalui (sehingga ke hari ini, alhamdulillah), badan saya rasa sihat dan wang pun dapat dijimatkan : )

Pak Yus Ansari juga pernah bercerita bahawa beliau pernah mengalami selsema dan kemudian beliau berubat melalui solat. Beliau menambah solat-solat sunat, contohnya kalau kebiasaannya solat sunat sebelum dan selepas zuhur, dibuatnya dua rakaat, pada kali ini dibuatnya 4 rakaat. Beliau solat dengan lama sambil membetulkan posisi rukuk dan sujud. Alhamdulillah kemudian selsemanya pulih tanpa perlu memakan ubat.

Itulah hebatnya solat yang diciptakan Allah. Allah menjaga kesihatan kita melalui solat. Bayangkan ketika kita rukuk, kita regangkan tulang belakang ... dan kita tahu bahawa regangan (stretching) ini melancarkan darah. Apabila tulang belakang sihat, bayangkan organ-organ yang berhubung dengannya pun sihat seperti jantung, hati, pankreas, buah pinggang dan sebagainya. Bayangkan 17 kali kita rukuk setiap hari, sepatutnya kita punyai tulang belakang yang sihat dan organ-organ yang sihat. Tapi kenapa kita solat 5 kali sehari tapi masih sakit-sakit ... Mungkin rukuknya tidak sempurna, tidak betul posisi dan tidak tumakninah ...

Begitu juga dengan sujud ... Sujud mengalirkan darah yang membawa oksigen ke otak. Pada pagi hari otak kita kaya dengan okisigen tapi nanti petang ia semakin kekurangan dan membuatkan kita rasa letih. Bayangkan kita sujud 17 kali sehari, pastinya kita ada otak yang cerdas ...lebih cerdas dari otak orang-orang yang tidak solat ... tapi kenapa ya, 17 kali kita sujud tapi bila balik kerja petang-petang, tak terasa segar ... jawapannya sujud kita tidak tepat posisinya dan tidak lama, tiada tumakninah ...

Solatlah dengan posisi yang betul, insyaAllah ia boleh menyembuhkan penyakit. Hebatnya Solat ini. Bukan sekadar ia menghidupkan hati dan jiwa, bukan sekadar ia mencegah perbuatan keji dan mungkar dan membentuk keperibadian yang mulia tetapi ia boleh menyembuhkan penyakit. Istimewanya solat ... untuk menganugerahkan solat kepada kita, Allah menjemput Rasulullah saw untuk menerimanya sendiri di dalam peristiwa isra' mikraj ... itulah anugerah besar yang kita ada selama ini, hanya kita yang tidak menghargainya ...

Hanya Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui

Andalah Raja!!!

Salam Ramadhan AlMubaraq...

Apa khabar iman kita pagi ini..mudah2 semakin bertambah iman dan taqwa - dengan kita menjalani proses pendidikan di bulan Ramadhan yang sarat dengan rahmat dan keampunannya..selepas subuh tadi sambil2 menyiapkan anakanda2 yang sekolah rendah dan Pasti sempat singgah di satu website yang sangat menarik.. sengaja saya copy and paste di sini untuk di kongsi mudah-mudahan bermanafaat untuk kita semua ..ambil dan peruntukan sedikit masa untuk merenung kata2 yang sangat mengesankan..nilai dan ubahlah cara kita berfikir, merasa dan bertindak..dan perhatikan apa yang berlaku pada diri dan persekitaran..


ANDA lah Raja...

Pekerjaan bisa menjadi ringan atau menjadi berat
tergantung niat.

Kehidupan bisa menjadi ringan atau berat

tergantung niat.

Sebuah masalah bisa menjadi mudah atau sukar

tergantung respon kita.

Jangan selalu menyalahkan lingkungan,

Karena lingkungan akan selalu berubah,

Pikiran adalah raja yg bebas,

Anda sendirilah  yg menentukan kebahagiaan,
Karena kebahagiaan sudah tersedia di dalam hati,
Tergantung keyakinan Anda kpd Allah.

"Maukah engkau memasuki benteng Ku yg aman?,
bentengku adalah Laa ilaha illallah.
" (hadist qudsi)


Kerja keras adalah peta untuk mencapai keberhasilan,
Kerja keras adalah ungkapan rasa syukur,
atas kesehatan yg diberikan, atas umur singkat,
dan syukur atas amanah agung yg diberikan.
Kerja keras yg diiringi iman
adalah jalan untuk mencapai Ridho Nya.
Pergunakanlah, karena suatu saat sendi2mu akan kaku,
suatu saat nafasmu akan terputus2,
kakimu tidak kuat menopang bahkan tubuhmu sendiri.
Pergunakan waktu yg sangat berharga ini.

Anakanda2 dan sahabat yang dikasihi..berdamailah dengan masa lalu kita..peristiwa yang telah kita lalui pahit manis..suka duka ..berjaya gagal..semua itu telah di atur dan di izinkan berlaku oleh Allah swt yang sentiasa melihat, mengatur dan menentukan untuk kita..semua yang telah, sedang dan akan di atur untuk kita itulah yang terbaik tepat pada waktu dan tikanya tidak sedikit pun tercepat atau terlambat..nikmati dan bersyukurlah di setiap saat dan ketika..Allah pasti mengurniakan sukses pada kita tanpa batas!!!  


Ramadhan is the month of feeling for one another....

Salam Ramadan Al-Mubarak

Di kesempatan ini saya ingin merakamkan ucapan Selamat Menjalani Kehebatan Ramadan.

Moga kita lebih HEBAT dari sebelumnya,
bukan sekadar menahan lapar dan dahaga
bahkan mengisi hari dengan istighfar memohon keampunan ALLAH,
Bertasbih mengagungkan ALLAH,
Fokus menghayati ayat-ayat ALLAH,
Mencairkan poket untuk bersedekah,
Melemparkan kapet meniti jalan ke Rumah ALLAH,
Menangis ketika merendahkan diri semasa sujud mengagungkan Al-Malik.

1. Solat Subuh berjamaah di Masjid
2. Solat Dhuha setiap hari sebelum memulakan tugas
3. Membaca butiran madah Qur'an yang indah untuk meruntun hati di setiap kesempatan
4. Qiyamulail setiap malam sebelum sahur.
5. Perbaiki Akhlaq agar Islam terus subur kerana Rasululah s.a.w dan Madinah telah merintis mendidik generasi Qur'an dengan kehebatan Akhlaq.

Law of The Seed...

Take a look at an apple tree.

There might be five hundred apples on the tree, each with ten seeds. That's a lot of seeds! We might ask, "Why would you need so many seeds to grow just a few more trees?"

God has something to teach us here. It's telling us: "Most seeds never grow. So if you really want to make something happen, you better try more than once." This might mean;

You'll attend twenty interviews to get one job.

You'll interview forty people to find one good employee.

You'll talk to fifty people to sell one house, car, vacuum cleaner, insurance policy or idea.

You might meet a hundred acquaintances to find one special friend.
And you might need to attendcertain trainings several times in order to grasp the lesson learned.

When we understand the 'Law of the Seed', we don't get so disappointed. We stop feeling like victims. We just need to understand them and work with them. 
Ku copy and paste drp blog seorang kawan...

"Allahumma baariklana fi Ramadhan"...Ya Rabb..MAY THIS BE OUR BEST RAMADHAN EVER !!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,

Ramadan is at our doorsteps and like every year the anticipation of it grows by the day. Muslims the world over are looking forward for the blessings of this great month. We all can feel it – the workplace, our homes, the markets, the social media on the net – the buzz is on about the upcoming arrival of this blessed month.

However, as we start to engage ourselves with the worship and festivities of Ramadan, let’s pause and ask ourselves whether our last year’s Ramadan was better than the one before it? How did we strive to make it any better? How are we going to make the one this year better than the one last year?

One may ask – why make it better? The answer is that there is no Ibadah (worship) like fasting and Allah’s rewards for this act of worship can be limitless.

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “You should fast, for there is nothing like it.” [Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Nasaa’i.]

For the hadith where the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah said: ‘Every deed of the son of Adam is for him except fasting; it is for Me and I shall reward for it…’”,

Al-Qurtubi said: what this means is that the amount of reward for good deeds may become known to people, and they will be rewarded between ten and seven hundred fold, and as much as Allah wants, except fasting, for Allah will reward it without measure.

 This is supported by a report narrated by Muslim (115) from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Every deed of the son of Adam will be rewarded between ten and seven hundred fold. Allah said: ‘Except fasting, for it is for Me and I shall reward for it’” – i.e., I shall reward it greatly, without specifying how much. This is like the verse in which Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):  “Only those who are patient shall receive their reward in full, without reckoning” [Quran: al-Zumar 39:10]

From the above, it is obvious that the rewards for fasting are multiplied from 10 to 700 to potentially limitless as He wills. So, let’s think again – Ramadan and fasting provide us the potential and opportunity for Unlimited Rewards.

However, we will be rewarded based on our actions and our intentions. The better we make our worship, the more rewards we stand to gain. That’s why we need to strive more every year – yet another opportunity to make it better than the previous.

First, let’s do some “soul searching” in assessing our intentions. What is it that excites us in welcoming this month? What are we are looking forward to? Is it the socializing, the Iftar festivities, and the change of schedules or is it about our yearning for more rewards, the hope to seek forgiveness for our sins, and hence the prospects for a better life here and in the hereafter?

Our clarity of intentions as we start this blessed month can make a big difference. Consider this hadith by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him):
Actions are but by intention and each person will have but that which he intended.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari (1) and Muslim (1907).

Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “The degree to which a person is helped and aided by Allah depends on the degree of his intention, drive, aim and hopes. Help from Allah comes to people in proportion to their drive, intention, hopes and fears, and failure comes to them in like manner.”

Let’s heed to those reminders. Take some time to ensure that your intention is to seek rewards and forgiveness for your sins and you will observe a miraculous transformation in the nature of your actions as they will automatically get aligned to your intentions. If left uncalibrated through your sincere intentions, your actions will instead focus on the festivities and other distractions more than you getting closer to Allah, which should be your primary objective in this month. And that can’t happen unless you intend for it and take actions to realize those intentions.

Also, once we align our intentions to seek Allah’s pleasure alone (remember where Allah said that fasting is for me and I will reward for it), you will notice that ALL your actions will be for Him. You won’t leave any room for the devil to get in your heart to make you show off your actions. A man asked Tameem ibn Aws al-Daari (may Allah be pleased with him), ‘How do you pray at night?’ He got very angry and said, ‘By Allah, one rak’ah that I pray in secret in the small hours of the night is more beloved to me than praying the whole night long and then telling people about it.’

Consider this hadith of the prophet: “Whoever does the deeds of the Hereafter to gain some worldly benefit, will have no share of the Hereafter.” (Reported by Ahmad. Saheeh al-Jaami’, 2825).”

Another step you can take to make this Ramadan better is to make your worship more “goal directed” as that will help you focus on your acts of worship and will also force yourself to achieve those goals.

Let’s ponder on what our pious salaf said about forcing ourselves to do more in our acts of worship. Muhammad ibn al-Munkadir said: “I struggled against my own self for forty years until it became right.” Thaabit al-Banaani said: “I struggled for twenty years to make myself pray qiyaam al-layl, and I enjoyed it (qiyaam al-layl) for (the next) twenty years.” ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-‘Azeez said: “The best of deeds are those which we force ourselves to do.” ‘Abd-Allah ibn al-Mubaarak said: “The souls of righteous people in the past used to push them to do good deeds, but our souls do not do what we want them to do except by force, so we have to force them.” Qutaadah said: “O son of Adam, if you do not want to do any good except when you have the energy for it, then your nature is more inclined towards boredom and laziness. The true believer is the one who pushes himself.”

So, for this Ramadan set some realistic goals for the amount of worship and for the levels of your sincerity and you will not only have something to strive for but you will feel more satisfied after Ramadan is over if you achieved what you set out for. And next year, you can raise the bar higher and set loftier goals – another step towards achieving unlimited rewards.
In summary, let’s pause for a few moments to straighten our intentions and ensure that they are not diluted by the typical “Ramadan distractions” such as socializing, Iftar parties, idle talk during late hours, late night TV, fashion shows, etc. Also, set some goals for this month and get set to achieve them.

"Jibrael appeared before me and said: "Woe to him who found the blessed month of Ramadan and let it passes by without gaining forgiveness" . Upon that I said: Aameen".(Sahih Bukhari)

He also said: "Whoever does not fast for even one day in Ramadan..., without a valid excuse, shall never be able to repay that day even if he fasts for the rest of his life" (Ahmad)

"Many are the ones who keep Sawm attaining nothing by such except hunger, and many perform Salat by night attaining nothing by it except the discomfort of staying awake."

(Ibn Majah)Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) further stated that: " Allah does not require the discarding food and drink of the person who fasts but does not refrain from bad speech and action." (Sahih Bukhari)

Perhaps it may be our last Ramadan, our last opportunity to benefit from the special blessings and forgiveness that accompanies this month, for who knows we may be there or not to receive the blessings next year.

Let’s pray that we get the maximum rewards possible this Ramdhan.

Ramadhan Mubarak!
My Lord! grant me that I should be grateful for Thy favor which Thou hast bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I should do good such as Thou art pleased with, and make me enter, by Thy mercy, into Thy servants, the good ones.

Ya Rabb..Engkaulah Yang Maha pengasih penyayang dan Maha pengampun...

Salam Ramadhan AlMubaraq..
Semoga semuanya sihat waafiat..diizinkan Allah melalui bulan yang penuh dengan rahmat, keampunan dan dijanjikan bebas daripada siksaan api neraka..
Riwayat Daripada Saiyidina Aishah R.A.
diambil daripada kitab yang bernama
Durratun Nasihin Fil Wa, zi Wal Jsrar
dikarang oleh Osman Bin Hasan Ahmad
As Sakiril Khubuwi

"Tidak ada daripada seorang perempuan yang kedatangan haid
melainkan adalah haidnya itu menghapuskan dosa-dosa yang
telah lalu daripada segala dosa-dosanya dan sekiranya ia
membaca doa (dibawah) pada hari yang pertama yakni:


(maksudnya) Segala puji bagi Allah di atas segala hal dan aku
memohon keampunan kepada Allah daripada segala dosa.

-maka menulis oleh Allah baginya terlepas daripada api neraka
dan dapat lalu di atas Sirat dengan selamat dan aman
daripada azab dan meninggikan oleh Allah Taala
baginya dengan tiap satu hari dan satu malam
akan pangkatnya empat puluh orang mati syahid manakala
adalah perempuan itu dikira berzikir kepada Allah Taala
di dalam masa haidnya

Surah al Imran Ayats 190 - 200

Salam perjuangan...Selamat datang wahai tetamu Agong..Ramadhan AlMubaraq...
Jom hayati, fahami amalkan dan hafal ayat ini sempena Ramadhan ini..penuh dengan doa yang sangat menggetarkan hati....amalkan membacanya sebelum kita mulai tahajjud kitasetiap  hari...